Theme: Entering into Ecological Conversion in a Marianist Spirit. When: March 29, Wed, 8 pm - 9.15 pm Eastern. Where: Register here to receive the Zoom link.
Description: In this Lenten season of transformation, join a virtual exploration of how we, as Marianists, can more deeply embody Pope Francis’ call to Ecological Conversion.
Presenters: Lay Marianist Marge Cavanaugh, scientist, MSJC Chair, and member of the Visitation Marianist State Community, and Marianist Brother Mitch Schweickart, SM, educator and member of the Mount St. John Facilities team, will share their insights.
Format: Brief presentations will be followed by break-out group dialogues to discover the meaning of ecological conversion and how our Marianist founders and tradition might speak to the ecological crisis facing all of us today. Bring your concerns and questions to share.
All are welcome! Register here to receive the Zoom link.
Questions? Email Sr. Leanne Jablonski, FMI, at ljablonski1@udayton.edu.
Sponsored by the Integral Ecology Team of the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative (MSJC) https://marianistsjc.net/integral-ecology & Marianist Environmental Education Center (MEEC) https://meec.center, in association with the Marianist Family Encounters Project.