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Called to Care: The Intersection of Nonviolence and Care for Creation (learning opportunity)

Writer: AdminAdmin

Michelle Sherman, Project Director, Nonviolence & Campus Outreach, Pax Christi USA, and Adjunct Professor, University of Dayton, sends us this information.

Join us for a collaborative learning experience as we bring together Catholic Universities from across the U.S. and globally for thought-provoking conversations on the intersection of nonviolence and care for creation.

Thank you for the enthusiastic response from the University of Dayton! Especially to Drs. Kelly Johnson and Laurie Eloe who are organizing watch parties for the series!

This series will explore the profound yet underexplored connection between violence and the climate crisis, underscoring why nonviolent strategies are the only way to achieve sustainable ecological integrity.

For real-time updates and to view the list of confirmed speakers, please visit

Registration is now live!

To prioritize student interaction in this space, the Zoom room will be reserved for college and university contacts.

College and University Members:

There is NO COST to you, your school, or your students for this series.

General Public Registration is below:

Series Title: The Intersection of Nonviolence and Care for Creation

This series of conversations is scheduled to take place virtually at 7:00 PM ET every Monday throughout the month of October and will explore the interconnected relationship between violence and the ecological crisis. Each session will last 1h:30 minutes and will include a Q&A segment.

● 10/02/2023: Theological Foundations of Environmental Justice

● 10/09/2023: The Multifaceted Nature and Realities of Environmental Violence

● 10/16/2023: Ecological Impact of Military Spending and War

● 10/23/2023: Young Catholic Climate Activists on the Frontlines of Advancing Nonviolence

● 10/30/2023: Mobilizing for a Laudato Si and Nonviolent Future: Hope for Radical Ecological Conversion and Collective Liberation

Ways to utilize this series:

Class Use: Recordings of each session will be available the following week, with discussion/essay questions inserted after each speaker's presentation. The Q&A segments will be omitted from the recordings, bringing the length to under an hour. Furthermore, you can easily select a particular 20-minute presentation with specific discussion questions.

Extra Credit Project: When classroom use is not practical, offering the series as an extra credit project, like many professors did last year, is a great option. This series will be an invaluable educational experience for your students!

Campus Clubs and Organizations: If you are the moderator of a club or organization on your campus where this would be helpful, please use it in ways that are helpful.

For questions, please reach out to:

This series is sponsored by the Catholic Nonviolence Initiative; Casa Esther Catholic Worker; EcoCare Now: Black, Indigenous, and Women of Color Advancing Ecological Action; and Pax Christi USA.

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