Join Catholic Climate Covenant's online conversation on the book Green Saints for a Green Generation on December 12, 7 - 8 pm EST.
From Catholic Climate Covenant:
Join Catholic Climate Covenant’s online conversation featuring the editor and three-chapter authors of “Green Saints for a Green Generation,” a book written by young Catholic women (scientists, sisters, and theologians) on “saints” — canonized and not — who connect their faith to concern for our common home. The writers raise traditional saints and contemporary figures who provide needed inspiration and hope for our ecological journeys and encourage all of us (young and old) to become green saints. The book is available here.
Green Saints for a Green Generation Online Conversation
December 12th, 7-8 pm (ET)
Attendees will hear from multiple panelists, including Libby (Elizabeth) Osgood, CND, PhD, Peng (editor), who is a religious sister of the Congregation of Notre Dame de Montreal. Her chapter in the book is on Sr. Marguerite Bourgeoys CND, a French religious sister and founder of the Congregation of Notre Dame of Montreal.
Ronnie Noonan-Birch is a marine socio-ecologist whose work focuses on the intersection of people and the ocean, specifically on how human well-being is intrinsically linked to ocean health. Her chapter focuses on "biodiversity as a call to become a green saint of today."
Sr. Rejane Cytacki is a Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth (SCL) of Leavenworth, Kansas. Her chapter focuses on Sr. Paula Gonzalez (an Indigenous sister in her religious community who was instrumental in the Sisters of Earth movement)
Rhonda Miska is a preacher, writer, educator, spiritual director, and lay ecclesial minister based in the Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis. Her chapter focuses on Hna Laura Vicuna Pereira Manso, an indigenous woman accompanying indigenous communities in the Brazilian Amazon.
Join Catholic Climate Covenant on Dec. 12 between 7 - 8 pm EST.
The session will be recorded, and the recording will be sent to all who register.
Register here
