Erica Duarte, Liaison for Marianist Schools, MFEP, sends us this update from Mark Laury, Ministry Lead at Chaminade College Preparatory, St. Louis, MO.
The Chaminade Sustainability Corps, in partnership with The Marianist Family Encounters Project, sponsored a community screening of The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind on Oct 17. Participants were asked to consider advocating for justice by giving an offering to Moving Windmills and/or by signing a petition to reduce the debt of developing countries.
Below is an announcement that was sent to the school community:
On Oct 17th, at 3:30 in the Siefert Auditorium, please join us on campus as the Chaminade Sustainability Corps, in partnership with The Marianist Family Encounters Project, presents a screening of The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind. This special screening addresses the Marianist Charisms of 1) Promoting Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation, 2) Transforming through Integral Ecology, 3) Listening and Educating in Faith, 4) Fostering Sustainable Lifestyles, and 5) Empowering through Family Spirit. This film is appropriate for all school ages. This free event is open to all students, families, friends, and faculty.
For more information on the Marianist Family Encounters Project:
For a short video of the film’s protagonist:
There were about 100 people at the screening. This community event addressed many of the action areas of the Laudato Si Action Platform from the point of view of a teenage boy living through a famine in Malawi.
