Carlos Stewart, Ministry Lead of MFEP and Director of Mission and Inclusion at Chaminade Julienne High School, Dayton, OH, sends us this update.
We are excited to continue to progress with the Marianist Family Encounters Project at our school for this year 2023-2024. Details about our rollout to the CJ community can be found below:
Jama Badinghaus (School Counselor/Student Support Coordinator, Department Chair), Karen Emmerich (Religion Teacher), and Carlos Stewart (Director of Mission/Inclusion) are leading the efforts around the MFEP. A subcommittee was convened last school year with the goal of reviewing the expectations of the MFEP.
In August, the leadership team presented the plan and theme to the school community and helped create more understanding of the project and the five goals associated with the initiative. At the session, the team presented detailed information on the five goals and worked in a brief brainstorming session about how the tenets of each goal can be woven into CJ culture. We also reviewed ways in which we can build on the great things we are already doing. We also plan to display posters/flyers around the school with detailed information about the goals.
On September 25th, the leadership team led a session that focused on Goal 3. Members of the school community were grouped by their sodality groups (small faith-sharing groups) and reviewed and suggested ways that Goal 3 can become salient in all we do at CJ. We concluded the session with each of the 12 groups drafting a line of a shared prayer with the focus on our commitment to Listen & Educate in Faith.
In January, the leadership team will collaborate with the office of ministry and service and also the Mission Implementation Team (MIT) to cover goals 2 and 4 at our annual Ministry and Service all-school retreat for staff members. We have secured the services of Sr. Leanne Jablonski, FMI, to serve as a presenter for this event. More information about Sr. Leanne can be found here.
In January, the leadership team will reconvene the subcommittee for the purposes of planning for education around the remaining goals.
Below are two documents contributed by CJ staff and faculty:
To view the Presentation to staff, which included Session 1, covering goal 3, click here.
To view a Sodality Prayer created by CJ staff that focuses on the tenets of Goal 3 (this prayer was read at a recent all-school in-service), click here.

Dear Students and Staff of Chaminade Julienne, your focus on helping the most marginalized and vulnerable is, I am sure, motivated by the same compassion Jesus had for them. Thanks for your initiative and example!
Wow!! What geat organization. You will no doubt really move on this. Congrtulations!! Hoory for Mother Earth!!