Bro. Jack Ventura, S.M., Director of Mission Integration and the Ministry Lead for the
Marianist Family Encounter Project, shares CMCP’s commitment to the Encounter Project.
October 04, 2022,
Feast of St. Francis of Assisi.

Today, we remember the person of St. Francis of Assisi, the Patron of the poor and of ecology. On this special day, Chaminade-Madonna College Preparatory (CMCP) joins the Marianist Family in committing to the Marianist Family Encounter Project.
After discussing the best way to implement the Action Platform of Laudato Si’ and the seven commitments for the Global Compact on Education, we have decided to involve the entire educational community at CMCP.
Therefore, rather than have a ministry team, the Office of Mission Integration will take the lead and coordinate all our efforts. We will work directly with the core leadership team, the Mission Integration Team (MIT), facility management, campus ministry, moderators for student Clubs, and academic department chairs.
In implementing this model, we hope to integrate the principles of the Encounter Project with the Characteristics of Marianist Education. Postings and updates will occur throughout the academic year.