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Fishing Lines at Christmas Time

Writer: AdminAdmin

James Bendele, Ministry Lead of MFEP and Guardian Angel Moderator at Central Catholic High School in San Antonio, TX, shares with us this update.

On Saturday, December 9th, 2023, Ms. Jarmon and some of her Chemistry students participated in a community service event with Former KC Chiefs NFL Football Player Mr. Priest Holmes at SouthSide Lions Park. They served the local community by handing out Christmas toys, serving food, and assisting with parking. They even learned to fish with ex-professional retired football players and their parents. Some students shared their experiences that day.

Jackson Rolla ‘26

“I had a very fun experience at Fishing Lines at Christmas Time with Priest Holmes. I was able to learn a lot about fishing and different types of bait to use. It was also a knowledgeable experience learning a lot about Priest Holmes' battle to the National Football League. I was also able to help with setting up and teaching people how to fish. This was a very insightful experience, and I would recommend it to any high school student who is willing to help out their community.”

Joaquin Tanjuatco, ‘26

“This Saturday, I went fishing for the very first time. After I grabbed my fishing rod, I went over to grab my bait of worms. At first, I was terrified since I have never seen so many worms all bundled up together. I walked near the banks of the lake to set up shop and undergo my first ever fishing experience. While I was trying to find the perfect spot, a grandma and her young grandson approached me. They noticed that I was having trouble putting the worms on my fishing hook. Hysterically, they knew I was in trouble because of the loud shrieks they heard in the background. Her voice was soothing, and she walked me through the process of threading the worm through the hook. Her grandson gave me moral support to complete the difficult task. After she was finished, I thanked her and went fishing! 😊

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Lawrence McBride
Mar 07, 2024

Dear Joaquin and Jackson, I enjoyed reading about your fishing experience. I hope you keep up the learning process throughout life! Thanks for sharing!


Thomas Spring
Thomas Spring
Mar 07, 2024

What fun and a good occasion for getting to know folks!!

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