Bro. A. Brian Zampier, SM, Social Media Archivist at the Marianist Archives in San Antonio, TX sends us this update.
Bueno, Bonito y Barato
Another way of saying, Good, Fast, Cheap ... but Pretty
This pilot project is examining the potential for reshaping the landscape at St. Mary's University using native plant species that have evolved to thrive in our specific eco-region.
We have planted three test garden communities:
Community A: 100% native plants
Community B: 100% non-native plants
Community C: 50% native/50% non-native
We are monitoring properties such as plant growth, animal diversity, water consumption, soil nutrients, and aesthetic qualities. Come by throughout the year and watch our garden grow!
This student research is possible through the support of St. Mary's Summer Undergraduate
Research Fellowship (SURF) program.
Happy to share that student Jose Cornejo researched the original landscape of the St. Mary's University property at the National Archives of the Marianist Province of the United States. We found photographs of the grounds and reports on various landscaping projects through the years.
Community C reminds me of "mixed composition!"
What great cooperato0n involving the students!! Service learning in a way!!
Aloha, Bro. Tom Spring
Dear Brian, great initiative! Thanks.