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Our Lions Celebrate Earth Month

Writer: AdminAdmin

Bro. Jack Ventura, SM, Ministry Lead of MFEP and Director of Mission Integration at Chaminade-Madonna College Preparatory, Hollywood, FL, sends us this update.

Chaminade-Madonna highlighted Earth Day with various activities and educational programs throughout April. The Marianist Family Encounters Project has called on all Marianist entities to integrate the action areas of Laudato Si’ by Pope Francis. The following activities also align with the Characteristics of Marianist Education to provide an integral, quality education and to educate for service, adaptation, and change.

The Honors Marine Science classes completed a field trip to West Lake Park and Anne Kolb Nature Center on Thursday, April 11. The students are studying estuarine ecology in the classroom, which includes their ecological importance, the historical changes in South Florida, and human impacts. As a part of their experiential learning, the students kayaked and hiked through a local mangrove estuary, received a presentation on manatee and sea turtle natural history and conservation, and conducted a coastal clean-up as a service component of their learning. What a great way for our Lions to explore and learn about the outdoors!

On Monday, April 22, we started Earth Day with an opening prayer giving thanks to God for our Mother Earth and asking for inspiration for our leaders to listen to those most affected by our climate change and act urgently and wisely so that our common home may be healed and restored so that all future generations may delight in it. There were also seven video prayers distributed for all classes to use throughout the day. These video prayers were in English and Spanish.

Throughout the year, our students continue to work in our campus garden with the assistance of Nick Tofini, Director of Food Services (SAGE Dining Services). SAGE partners with Chaminade-Madonna to develop innovative solutions that positively impact people and the planet. Most recently, Mauricio Diaz ‘26 spearheaded a group of CMCP students with the Eagle Scouts (Troop 460) to build the last soil bed to be ready to plant additional fruits, vegetables, and pollinating flowers. Students also started planting various fruits and vegetables in their classrooms in preparation for transplanting them in our garden in a few weeks. On Earth Day and throughout the week, students, with the help of faculty members and Sage employees, planted additional items to be available for the growing season starting this summer.

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Thomas Spring
Thomas Spring
May 08, 2024

A campus garden with students caring for it!! Hooray!! Congrats!! aloha, Tom Spring, SM


Steven O'Neil
Steven O'Neil
May 08, 2024

Great! Thanks for sharing this Jack!


Lawrence McBride
May 08, 2024

Dear Jack and students, thanks very much for your efforts to save our planet. You are doing something extremely necessary and valuable. Thanks for encouraging me to do more!

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