Register for the online Diploma in Integral Ecology course, English edition, offered by the Pontifical Universities of Rome.

The Integral Ecology course runs from January 2024 to June 2024, with its starting date as January 24. The course will be held every third Thursday of the month from
13.30 to 15.00 hrs CEST (Central European Standard Time)/GMT+1 | 7.30 - 9.00 am ET | 6:30 - 8.00 am CT |
From the Brochure
The Course in Integral Ecology will consist of six modules of 90 minutes each to be held from January to June 2024 (on every third Thursday of the month from 13.30 to 15.00 hrs CEST/GMT+1), along with an international online conference on Laudate Deum that will be organized in May 2024. On-line enrolment for the course will open in December 2023, and on completing the programme attendees will be awarded a certificate of participation on
The Course will be handled by an international faculty of renowned academics, leaders and activists in the area of creation care, drawn from the Pontifical Universities and Atheneums in
Rome and from around the world.
For online enrolment, please go to:
Identity Card/Passport (Pdf)
A short presentation (100 words) of the motive to pursue the Course (Pdf)
Enrollment and Course Fee consists of € 30,00. Payments can be made by bank transfer.
N.B. In case of any need for help or for financial assistance,
please contact:
For additional information, click here.
For the Flyer, click here.
