Read Pope Francis' message to the UN Climate Change Summit - COP28, held in Dubai between November 30, 2023, and December 12, 2023.
Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin delivered Pope Francis’ speech to the delegates gathered at the COP28. He urged the world leaders not to postpone action any longer but to create concrete responses for the well-being of our common home and its future generations.
Pope Francis expressed his regret at not being able to attend COP28, personally. He spoke of the world's future as that which depends on the present we choose. In his message to the UN conference, which was delivered by Pietro Parolin, Cardinal Secretary of State, Pope Francis said, ". . .the destruction of the environment is an offence against God, a sin that is not only personal but also structural, one that greatly endangers all human beings, especially the most vulnerable in our midst and threatens to unleash a conflict between generations.” He spoke of climate change as a global social issue and an issue intimately related to the dignity of human life.
Pope Francis also made an appeal for peace in the face of the many wars that are ravaging the environment and the world, especially those in Israel, Palestine, and Ukraine. He said, "With God’s help, let us emerge from the dark night of wars and environmental devastation."
In his message at the inauguration of the Faith Pavilion, the first religious pavilion at a UN climate conference, Pope Francis urged leaders of world religions to work towards peace and climate causes.
To read Pope Francis' speech, click here.
To read the COP28 news article from the Vatican news site, click here.

Pope Francis during his video message for the inauguration of the Faith Pavilion at COP28.
Count on Francis to get to the real meat!! Hooray!! Thank God for the gift of Francis!
Thanks very much for sending it!