Read about Adele, a hostel for girls run by the Marianist Sisters in Singhpur, India. The hostel cares for young girl students and provides them with a place to live during the school year.
In the state of Jharkhand, one of the poorest states in India, in Singhpur, just outside the city of Ranchi, there is the hostel for girls, Adele, run by the Marianist Sisters.
A place where young students are taken care of and provides them the space to live during the school year, where education is at the service of making it possible for each human being to shape his or her own future (Fratelli Tutti, 187).
Education and upbringing, concern for others, a well-integrated view of life, and spiritual growth all are essential for quality human relationships (FT, 167).
We work on a small scale, in our own neighborhood, but with a larger perspective (FT, 145).
We want the music of the Gospel to sound in our homes, in our public squares, our workplaces, and our political and financial lives because this is where the joy and the challenge to defend the dignity of every man and woman is born (FT, 277).

[Source: Marianist Magnificat Newsletter, February, 2023]
Dear Sisters, on this Independence Day it is very significant that we read about ADELE. Your work with the young girls, truly, helps them to be independent in the true sense of the word: able to become their best selves through your loving care! Thanks!