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Reversing Global Warming, online opportunity

Writer: AdminAdmin

Bro. Steve O'Neil, SM, shares this online opportunity about reversing global warming organized by the Marianist Lay Communities of Ohio.

Are you feeling powerless about the impact of global warming on our planet?

  • “It’s so overwhelming; I don’t know where to start.”

  • “How do I make a difference on such a planet-wide problem?”

If you want to learn how to have an impact on global warming and be supported by others with a similar desire, join us for,

REVERSING GLOBAL WARMING, A FREE five-session series that will empower you to be part of the solution to global warming rather than part of the problem…

WHEN: 5 Thursdays, Apr. 25 – May 23, 7-9 pm (ET)

WHERE: ZOOM. Register for the link.

COST: FREE! Just your time and energy.


Jennifer Melke-Marks (

REGISTER: Go directly to our form via link:

This program was developed by the Pachamama Alliance (, a global community that offers people the chance to learn, connect, and get engaged for the purpose of creating a sustainable future that works for all. It draws heavily from the groundbreaking work of Project Drawdown (, which identified over 80 practical solutions to the challenge of global warming.

The greatest threat to the planet is the belief that someone else will save it.

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