Sr. Leanne Jablonski, FMI, International JPIC Commission and Director, MEEC - Marianist Environmental Education Center, sends us this update along with the Marianist Sisters Season of Creation 2024 prayer and reflection guide.
The Daughters of Mary Immaculate (Marianists Sisters) committed to the Laudato Si' Action Platform at the 33rd General Chapter held in Rome (July 10-31, 2022) with the theme, Missionaries of Mary, Caring for Life. In the 17 countries where Marianist sisters live and minister, communities annually plan and assess progress on the seven Laudato Si goals and reflect on how we can live out Pope Francis' invitations to ecological conversion in our units, communities, and ministries. The FMI International Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) Commission produces resources to animate our progress. We share the Marianist Sisters Prayer and Reflection Packet for the 2024 Season of Creation theme - "To Hope and Act with Creation." It includes extended reflections from the writings of our Marianist Founders on Hope and ideas suitable for individual and community prayer, reflection, and retreats. In this season of many Marian feast days, we pray with our never-failing Companion, Mother, and Model who walks with us and holds our hope on this Marianist journey we undertake together.

Dear Leanne, thanks for your commitment and uplifting message. You have been in the vanguard of saving the Earth for so long that it is possible to take you and the sisters for granted. I don't want to do that! So, you encourage me to do more. Thanks!